Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fall Quarter Update

Things are falling into place at an unbelievable rate - enough to make even a skeptic turn into a believer.

Last night I submitted my Doctoral Study Plan and Research Internship Plan (1). The latter was also my Community Project Proposal (2). And it will become my dissertation proposal (3). It is also my current job assignment (4) - a veritable four-fer.

I began working on these plans last summer and struggled with conceptualizing and writing. It all came together in the last week and got turned in at midnight last night - a couple of days before the due date.

I want to feel like a badd ass, but I don't. I just feel loved - by God. It feels like, to borrow Paulo Coelho's words, the universe is conspiring to help me accomplish my dream and thus fulfill my personal legend.

As I write this, I realize there is a potential to be misunderstood. What I mean to convey is, if it is possible for me, then it is possible for anyone. The universe wants to conspire to help you too. Ed Bacon (All Saints in Pasadena) said one Sunday: "God loves you and everyone else."

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My high school senior. When she was born and breastfeeding every two hours, 24-7, and I couldn’t shower or read the Sunday paper anymor...