Monday, February 1, 2010

Teachers Can Make a Difference

On of my nephews is an English teacher at a middle school in Los Angeles. What he said about his relationship to students and his work inspired me, here it is...

Because of a major schedule shift and the release of some new teachers at semester, I was given all new students.

I was told bad things about my new students."They are the worst," "classroom behavior management will be your greatest challenge," and "the students don't care."

I was honest with them from day one. I told them I did not believe what I had been told and I assured them that I expected a lot from them.

It has been great. I love my students. Teaching has many challenges right now, but as long as I spend more time with young people as opposed to adults at work, I am happy and not stressed.

Happy 24th Birthday, Jordan! I am so proud of you!

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