Saturday, January 15, 2011

Becoming Expert

What do you want to become expert about? 

This is the question asked of us by professors at the 1st year doctoral program orientation last fall.  The question intrigued and excited me. 

The fog is lifting and the answer is becoming clearer.   
I want to know all about attachment and risk & resilience theories.  
I want to know how to develop and test new models of family and community interventions anchored in these theories and empirical findings.

To that end, I have been reading about attachment and resilience.  What you focus on, read about, think about and write about changes you.  I am glad to be immersed in these theories.


  1. The first answer that popped into my mind: Asking questions and not needing answers.

    Which is probably not how I would have answered this same question in a different context but, sitting at home reading your blog, that was my first response. You are not my professor and I am not striving for degree. But I am reading about compassion. And writing about it. As for change, I need some perspective and time . . .

  2. Thanks for answering the question - it's a good one in any context.

    Reading and writing about compassion must feel good, too. In addition to all the wonders of compassion, Dan Siegel says compassion makes the brain healthier. Thanks for putting more compassion in the world!


My high school senior. When she was born and breastfeeding every two hours, 24-7, and I couldn’t shower or read the Sunday paper anymor...