Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How to Stop Being a Victim or Hater and Truly Live Out Your Dreams

Chapter 1

It's painful to feel envious or jealous. It makes the baby in us rage inconsolably.
After the requisite crying, grieving, mourning, and wailing at the moon, there's a message and lesson in those emotions. 

Is it that someone else is happy and you are not? 
What will it take to make you happy?

Is it that someone else has something that you want? 
What are you willing to do to achieve it too?

Do you believe that if someone has something or is happy, then that takes something away from you? That there is now somehow less for you? 
What will it take to change your beliefs about scarcity vs. abundance?

Is it that you are frustrated because you don't know how to do it - that is, how to be happy or achieve things that you truly want?
What are you willing to do to learn?

Is it that you believe your track record is full of failures vs. achievement and you don't believe you can do it?
What's it gonna take to change your limiting beliefs?

Is it that you want it all for you and nothing for anyone else?
Are you willing to go through the pain of growing up and learning to share?

Is it enough for you to complain and blame others? Is it satisfying or enough for you that others feel sorry for you?
Would accomplishing what you want feel even better? What would it take to take the first step even if you knew that there would be slip ups, obstacles, and failures along the way?

Is it enough for you to name call, put down, talk shit or trash, criticize, or tear down what you envy?  To vandalize it so that looking at it doesn't seem to hurt as much?
Do you believe that is the best that you can do? Who told you that lie and what makes you still buy it?

Is it that you feel you deserve things without having to put in the work or work for your ups? 
Are you willing to leave the comfort of being a fetus (being fed without asking, being warm without working at it, being comfortable without having to pay for it) in order to be born?

Is it that you think other people are just "lucky" - that is, they don't have to work for it - and it is not fair that you aren't as lucky?
What have you learned about cause and effect? What do you know about reaping what you sow?

How badly do you want it? How strongly do you desire it? Can you picture it? What are the feelings in your body when you imagine it?

Are you willing to look at your fears and limiting beliefs? 
What people, places, things, ideas, beliefs, experiences, and resources do you have to overcome your fears?

Have you given up? What will it take to hope and believe again?

The first step is to decide. Then write it down. Tell me all about your dream and desire. Be vivid and specific. Keep going and include lots of details. Stretch your imagination. Be honest and true. Picture it. Describe it. Feel it. Smell and sense it. Can you feel it? What does it feel like? Do you realize it is already yours? It's okay to believe. It's safe to trust. What you want wants you. Search your heart. You know it's true. I dare you. 

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My high school senior. When she was born and breastfeeding every two hours, 24-7, and I couldn’t shower or read the Sunday paper anymor...