Monday, October 21, 2013

Passion & Work

Things that we really, really want take a bit of work.

If you wanna make some money, buy a house, mate with a beautiful soul, play an instrument, carry out your purpose or whatever, it takes some work.  But not work like labor, work like energy.  So if you got some passion and heart behind your moves then it feels less like labor and more like flow.

As David Deida puts it,
 "..."fuck" both to smithereens, to ravish them with your love unsheathed, to give your true gifts despite the constant tussle of woman and world, to smelt your authentic gifts in this friction of opposition and surrender, to thrust love from the freedom of your deep being even as your body and mind die blissfully through a crucifixion of inevitable pleasure and pain, attraction and repulsion, gain and loss. No gifts left ungiven. No limit to the depth of being. Only openness, freedom, and love as the legacy of your intercourse with woman and world.

If you are going to tryst with women and world at all, better to go all the way and ravish them from the depths of your true core, blooming them open with the wide gifts of your unrelenting heart. Otherwise, if you sheepishly penetrate them to gratify your own needs, your woman and the world will feel your lack of dedication, depth, and truth. Rather than yielding in love to your loving, they will distract you, suck your energy, and draw you into endless complications, so that your life and relationship become an almost constant search for release from constraint."
Well said.  I'm craving a cigarette and I don't even smoke.

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