Please feel free to send positive vibes that morning.
The dissertation proposal consists of four of the six dissertation chapters:
- Introduction/Statement of the Problem
- Literature Review
- Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Model and Research Questions/Hypotheses
- Methods and Timeline
If approved, I will be officially ABD (All But Dissertation).
I have also submitted a paper to the journal, Children & Schools. It is under review.
I will be working on two more papers in the next six months while the data for my study is being collected.
This has been so much harder than I ever anticipated. My entire life has changed. I am still grateful that I get to be doing this. I have found my purpose in life. This is what I came here to do.
Five years ago I imagined myself with a stack of research articles - reading and writing with a smile on my face. You can't see me but this vision has been realized.
I have been documenting the steps of the process with notes from my readings and reflections in the off chance that someone might have a similar dream and want to see what it's like. It's an effort to break open the black box of doctoral education. If there is an inkling, a spark inside that is telling you to move in this direction - I encourage you to take the next baby step. The last five years have been a tying together of baby steps. I can't believe I am here. It is possible.
Thank you, Yesus. Amen.
So how’s the ABD thing, Alejandra? Well, looks like you really have a lot of thing to do. And your dissertation research is looking good. I really wish you can successfully defend your dissertation proposal. And if that happen, you can have my sincere congratulation!