Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Trip to France

My blog stats indicate 19 page views from France today and 60 in the last month (woohoo!)

Seeing how that is one of my favorite countries, I wonder what sort of content appeals to my countrywomen and men?

I am not above pandering for a trip to France.

Dite-moi, s'il vous plaît, ce que tu veut lire ici et je l'ecrit.  Je voudrais voyage a la France pour visiter et conférence. J'aime l'art et la cuisine et la culture du pays. Pardon-moi, j'ai etudier francais dans l'ecole mais je ne le parle plus.

I believe in visions and dreams so I like to play the wishing game with my friends.  This is where I ask them quite simply, "What do you want?"  I love to hear their responses because passion is contagious.  I believe in thinking about and talking about our passions - eventually this seems to make them real.  I am so grateful for every aspect of my life right now, but there are still some dreams yet to be made manifest.  I visited Paris in May, 2005 and I have been jonesing to return ever since...

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