Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Second Peer-Reviewed Publication

I have been working on this paper since the fall of 2011, while in my third year of the PhD program at UCLA.
Despite positive reviews from faculty and a "revise and resubmit" response from the first journal that I submitted it to, I could not get it published until now.
I must have submitted this paper - unsuccessfully - to nearly half a dozen journals.
Feeling discouraged, I told my daughter about this paper. I didn't know if I should give up on it or not. She asked me, "Mom, do you believe in what you wrote?" I said, "yes!" So I kept working on it.
Then I sent a draft to my colleague, Dr. Martinez. He said I should not give up on it.
The difference between success and failure is not giving up.
I am grateful that I had the emotional and instrumental support that I needed to finish it.
I am grateful to my mentor, Reevah Simon, for teaching me these parenting skills - they saved my personal and professional life. I am a better mother and social worker because of what she taught me.

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My high school senior. When she was born and breastfeeding every two hours, 24-7, and I couldn’t shower or read the Sunday paper anymor...