"...intervening in the cycle at the belief system by instilling hope will aid in restoring the perception of power (self-efficacy), raise self-esteem, and lessen depression..."
It is all about beliefs. What are we believing these days? How long have we been carrying those beliefs? Do they still serve our best interests?
There is also mindbodyspirit - all connected, just like we are.
Cited in: A theory-based nursing intervention to instill hope in homeless veterans, Tollett, Jane; PhD, RN; Thomas, Sandra; PhD, RN in Advances in Nursing Science, 18(2):76-90, December 1995.
Figure 1 . Miller's Patient Power Resources Model. Coping with Chronic Illness: Overcoming Powerlessness. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Penn: FA Davis; 1992. Copyright (C) 1992, FA Davis.
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