Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nexus of Crisis and Opportunity

“Never waste a good crisis. Sometimes the nexus of crisis and opportunity leads to dramatic reforms that we need, that frankly are more difficult to accomplish when things aren’t so tough. Some people will be paralyzed by the challenges they are facing, and others will see this as a chance to fundamentally break through and challenge the status quo. And those are the leaders that we will invest in.

The economy makes it more difficult, but what’s the alternative? Sit back for a couple of years and accept the status quo? Accept incremental change? You can’t do that. You have to push as hard as you can and look those challenges square in the eye and do the best you can in a tough environment. Look at this tough environment not just as a huge challenge but also a time of opportunity."

from 2010 issue of US News & World Report on School Reform

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