Sunday, January 10, 2010

PTSD, Children & their Parents

…it is not surprising that PTSD in young children develops more often if the trauma involves threat to the caregiver (Scheeringa & Zeanah, 1995), and that the caregiver’s ability to cope with trauma is the strongest predictor of child’s outcomes (Benedek, 1985).

So what can we do to boost the caregiver's ability to cope?


  1. hola chica-

    i came across an article in the los angeles times on 1/14/10. se trata de research findings suggest giving morphine soon after an injury can reduce chances of developing ptsd.

    theory is that morphine (and other opiates) prevents norepinephrine overload in the brain, thereby changing the way the brain encodes trauma in memory. apparently, if the pain is less intense, the brain will not register the memory as so traumatic...pretty interesting stuff.

    the article focuses on war tragedies, but advocated morphine use for victims of natural disasters, rape, violent assault, etc.

    citation: shit, i'm only including this one b/c you're in a phd program. if you were at a lesser institution, i likely would not:
    the new england journal of medicine.

    take care

  2. thanks, sissay! love it! I will hunt down the article...


My high school senior. When she was born and breastfeeding every two hours, 24-7, and I couldn’t shower or read the Sunday paper anymor...