Thursday, June 10, 2010


"Personal control or power contributes to psychological adjustment and physical health.

According to Bandura, the concept of self-efficacy is basic to the issue of personal control.

Self-efficacy is a belief in one's capabilities to execute required behaviors.

Self-efficacy theory asserts that expectations of personal mastery are the primary determinants of changes in behavior.

Expectations of self-efficacy determine the initial decision to perform a behavior and the amount of effort to expend in the behavior, as well as the amount of persistence in the face of adversity.

Self-efficacy has a direct influence on the choice of activities; people avoid situations that they believe they cannot cope with and become involved in activities they feel capable of handling.

The stronger the perceived efficacy, the more effort is expended in an activity.

Those who persist in threatening situations and master the experience gain efficacy reinforcement, whereas those who choose to avoid threatening situations or cease their activities early reinforce negative efficacy expectations."

From: A theory-based nursing intervention to instill hope in homeless veterans, Tollett, Jane; PhD, RN; Thomas, Sandra; PhD, RN in Advances in Nursing Science, 18(2):76-90, December 1995.

What do you believe?
What do you expect?
How much effort are you willing to expend?
How long are you willing to keep trying until you figure it out?

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