Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I am who I am because of my mother, Irene Acuña.  I decided to become a professional social worker because of Jolene Swain.  I honor my mentors and am grateful for all they have taught me.

At my mother's memorial service, many spoke to honor her.  I'll never forget one of the stories told about her.  Celina, the Women's Ministries President of my mother's church, was one of the speakers and called my mother her "spiritual mother."  She recounted how my mother had made several home visits to invite Celina to church.  When Celina saw my mother coming up the walkway to her door, she'd run to her bedroom and instruct her husband to tell my mother she wasn't home.  At the second home visit, my mother told Celina's husband that she'd wait for Celina to come home and sat herself down on their porch.

I had never heard that story before my mother's memorial service.  I cried when I heard it because it all made sense, my mother had taught me persistence in action.  One thing I know for sure is that the only difference between success and failure is persistence.  I will persevere or die trying.

My mother was a force of nature and undeterred.  Her spirit now lives on in me.  I am grateful to be standing on the shoulders of such a giant.  So when I hear school social workers say it is impossible to engage parents in children's mental health treatment, especially at the secondary level, I say baloney.  It is possible.  It is difficult.  Don't you dare give up.  The next generation is counting on you to persevere - there is a President among them. Si se puede.

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